Defensive Combat Initiatives

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My Martial Arts Journey


First and foremost, I would like to  thank the late Master Changhee Jhoon(Tae Kwon Do/Hapkido)for my rigorous body hardening, kicking power and joint locking skills.
I attribute my present awareness, quickness, empty hand, blade and stick/cane abilities to Pangulong Guro Chuck Cadell III(Cabales/Cadell Serrada Escrima).
Further my gratitud to the late Tony Finchen and son Joe Finchen who gave me the knowledge of the mat and grappling skills.
Without the guidance and friendship of these individuals I would not have been able to develop the attributes and abilities I have today.
Further, I would like to express my sincere grattitude and respects to all of my fellow instructors within the MMA(Midwest Martial Arts Association).
In addition, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and respects to Pangulong Guro Anthony Davis, my present mentor and master in Serrada Escrima.  Through Mr Davis' guidance, I will be able to further my knowledge of Serrada Escrima.
It is my pleasure to represent the World Serrada Escrima Federation and Mr Davis throughout the midwest.

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